I am an artist and educator who lives on the edge of Santa Fe County, off the grid in the western Galisteo Basin. My home has been an inspiration for art, teaching, and living since 1990.

I first came to New Mexico from the East Coast, and was astonished by the land, sky and light when I arrived, like many artists before me. From then on my artwork was about the landscape-  beginning with broad vistas, and eventually down to the details. My curiosity about the unique natural and cultural history of my home has been the driving force behind explorations in my backyard and wild places. Over the years I have documented my experiences in the field in sketchbooks and nature journals, landscape and botanical paintings, and more recently in prints, handmade books and zines.

As a teacher, I have had a long career in my local public school, which has provided a deeper connection to my community and environment . My priority in the classroom and the field was enabling students to investigate where they live—their home and family, the natural world, and the unique multicultural history of their city and region. Field trips and collaborative projects with museums, parks and nature centers were always key to hands-on learning and the art making process. Today, I teach on a volunteer and workshop basis, making nature journals with students to use in the field-  to notice,  draw, write, and learn about their surroundings.

I continue to be engaged by the unique flora, fauna and landforms around me.  I hope that my work encourages others to go out and connect to the place where they live, and to care more deeply for the survival of our beautiful world.

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